Diamond Fluorescence: Pros and Cons Explained by Sol Diamonds

Diamond Fluorescence: Pros and Cons Explained by Sol Diamonds

Diamond fluorescence refers to the diamond’s capability to emit a soft colored glow when observed under ultraviolet (UV) light. While many consider it a defect, others find it adds a unique charm to the precious stone. But, how does fluorescence truly affect the appearance and value of a diamond? Sol Diamonds gives you the answer!

The Phenomenon behind Diamond Fluorescence

The phenomenon of fluorescence in diamonds arises from the presence of certain substances or defects within the structure of the diamond. When UV light hits a fluorescent diamond, it absorbs the energy and re-emits it as visible light, resulting in a soft glow. This phenomenon is entirely natural and is observed in about 25-35% of diamonds. It can range from None to Very Strong based on its intensity, and the color can span from blue to yellow or even white.

Pros of Diamond Fluorescence

A Unique Radiance

The glow of fluorescent diamonds gives them a distinct appeal—a dash of character that sets them apart in a world focused on standard diamond qualities. The unique, almost ethereal gleam is seen as an attractive quality by many diamond enthusiasts.

Potential Color Improvement

If a diamond has strong blue fluorescence, it may appear whiter in UV-rich environments, giving lower-color diamonds an improved look. Please note that this is subjective and varies from diamond to diamond.

Cons of Diamond Fluorescence

Perceived as a Flaw

Fluorescence is often considered as a flaw in the diamond industry, which can negatively impact the value and price of a diamond despite it not affecting the overall appearance for the average observer.

Potential Overblue Effect

In rare cases, if the fluorescence is extremely strong, it can give the diamond an “overblue” appearance making it look hazy or oily in sunlight, which is generally not desirable.

Filtered in Online Shopping

Many online diamond retailers filter out diamonds with fluorescence in their search algorithms, reducing their visibility to potential buyers.


Does fluorescence affect the value of a diamond?

While it doesn’t impact the inherent beauty or integrity of a diamond, fluorescence can influence its value, as it is often seen as a flaw in the diamond industry.

Should I avoid buying a diamond with fluorescence?

No, not at all. It is a personal choice. Many find the light emitted by fluorescent diamonds appealing. You should buy what appeals to you the most.


Diamond fluorescence is a fascinating feature that adds an enchanting glow and needless to say, a unique touch to your precious stone. Whether it is deemed as a pro or con depends largely on personal taste. It is always wise to examine a diamond under different lighting conditions and make an informed choice. After all, the beauty of a diamond is in the eye of the beholder!