How to Clean and Maintain Your Diamond: Advice from Sol Diamonds

How to Clean and Maintain Your Diamond: Advice from Sol Diamonds


As the adage goes, diamonds are forever, but they still require regular cleaning and maintenance to keep their sparkle. While diamonds are one of the most durable stones in the world, they can still get dirty, dusty, and lose their brilliance over time. Hence, it’s essential to know the correct methods to clean and maintain your diamond jewelry. This article explores various methods advised by Sol Diamonds for keeping your precious gems in pristine condition.

Treat Your Diamond with Care

Treating your diamond jewelry with care is the first step towards maintaining its brilliance. Avoid touching the diamond frequently as oils from your skin can reduce its sparkle. Similarly, make sure you remove your diamond jewelry while doing heavy-duty tasks to prevent any scratches or physical damage.

Regular Cleaning is Vital

You can clean your diamond at home using materials readily available. Fill a bowl with warm water and mild dish soap, immerse your diamond jewelry, and gently clean it with a soft toothbrush. Rinse under warm running water and pat dry with a lint-free cloth.

Professional Cleaning

While at-home methods can keep your diamond jewelry clean, it is recommended to take them to a professional jeweler at least once a year. Professional cleaning treatments like high-frequency sound waves can effectively remove the dirt and grime that at-home cleaning might miss.

Maintenance Tips

  1. Store your diamond jewelry in a fabric-lined jewelry box to prevent scratches.
  2. Avoid exposing your diamond jewelry to harsh chemicals or extreme heat.
  3. Ensure you have your diamond jewelry insured for peace of mind.

Common FAQs

Can I use toothpaste to clean diamond jewelry?

No, toothpaste can be too abrasive for your diamond jewelry and may scratch the metal portions of your jewelry, making it less shiny over time.

Should I remove my diamond ring when washing my hands?

It is generally advised to keep your diamond ring on while washing your hands unless you’re using a harsh chemical soap. Regular soap and water will not damage your diamond.


A diamond’s brilliance is unmatched, and by following the above advice from Sol Diamonds, you can ensure your diamond jewelry stays as sparkling and vibrant as the day you bought it. Remember, a well-maintained and clean diamond is not just a reflection of its inherent value, but also of the love and memories it holds.