The Art of Diamond Certification: A Guide from Sol Diamonds

The Art of Diamond Certification: A Guide from Sol Diamonds

Hand-selecting diamonds for purchase or investment is no small matter, with various factors coming into play. In this intricate process, diamond certification arises as a pivotal constituent, serving as proof of a diamond’s characteristics and value. This informative guide from Sol Diamonds delves into the art of diamond certification, helping you understand its importance and navigate the iridescent world of diamonds with confidence.

What is Diamond Certification?

A diamond certification is a document issued by an independent laboratory that describes significant attributes of a diamond such as the 4Cs (cut, clarity, color, and carat), among others. It’s similar to a diamond’s blueprint, offering an objective perspective on its qualities and worth.

Why is Diamond Certification Important?

  1. A certification ensures that you are getting the quality you’re paying for. In a market filled with options, it allows buyers to compare diamonds objectively.

  2. The resale value of a certified diamond is often higher. Getting your diamond certified means your stone’s quality and integrity are upheld in the marketplace.

Differences Between Diamond Grading Laboratories

Not all diamond grading laboratories are made equal. Some of the renowned labs that issue diamond certifications include the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the American Gem Society (AGS), and the European Gemological Laboratory (EGL).

GIA vs. AGS vs. EGL

  • The GIA established the 4Cs and remains a reputable authority in the diamond industry.

  • The AGS is known for its scientific approach to diamond grading and its emphasis on diamond cut.

  • The EGL tends to be more lenient in grading diamonds, which often leads to lower-priced diamonds.

Common Questions About Diamond Certification

Is a certificate necessary when buying a diamond?

While not absolutely necessary, a certification can ensure you’re getting an accurate, unbiased evaluation of the diamond’s true character and value.

Can I get a diamond certified?

Yes, you can send it to any reputable diamond grading laboratory that provides certification services.


Diamond certification is an invaluable part of your diamond purchase that validates the authenticity, quality, and value of your stone. By understanding its significance and the grading process, you can confidently venture into the fascinating world of diamonds and make well-informed buying decisions.